
Thunder Kites Robotics

Lyon, France - Apr 5-7, 2024

We congratulate our high school robotics team, the high-flying Thunder Kites, who flew out to France last weekend for their final tournament of the season. They had an impressive record of 4-1 in their qualifying matches, which ranked them 9th out of 54 teams. In the tournament bracket, they were selected second overall to form an alliance with a top team, and proceeded to fight their way to the finals. The Thunder Kites brought back a finalist trophy, having narrowly conceded the high scoring final match, and set a personal record of 137 points in the process. Well done everyone!

- Thunder Kites Coach

Hasselt, Belgium - Jan 26-28, 2024

We congratulate the Thunder Kites for their latest showing on the international competitive scene! They flew out to Belgium with their robot and competed against 18 other teams from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and Norway. Our two first matches were torpedoed by two separate strokes of bad luck, but our students bounced right back and went 3-1 in their final four matches. Our plane launchers and hanging mechanism were particular standouts, working flawlessly throughout our matches. Congratulations to everyone involved!

- Thunder Kites Coach

The Hague, NETHERLANDS - Dec 1-3, 2023

Congratulations to the electrifying Thunder Kites robotics team! They flew out to The Hague this past weekend for their second competitive season in the FTC Benelux league, and came back with wide smiles and renewed enthusiasm. We won two matches, and lost four–but came within a hair's breadth of going 3-3! Our robot also had the best airplane launcher in the competition, bar none! Our team banded together throughout the event, fixing and upgrading the robot between matches, and facing each adversity with grace and determination. The students got right back to work the very next day of the competition, and we now have a long list of goals and priorities for the coming months.

- Thunder Kites Coach

Lyon, FRANCE - May 12-14, 2023

We congratulate our high school robotics team, the Thunder Kites, for bringing back a trophy from the FIRST Tech Challenge tournament in Lyon this weekend! They showed great composure and resilience, even as their robot began to malfunction under the pressure of the intense competition. Some quick thinking and adjustments allowed the team to finish 2-4 in their 6 placement matches. For the knock-out round, our students secured an alliance with the two top-ranked teams, which finished first on the podium. The Thunder Kites now look forward to next year's competition... They started working on their next robot on the very next day of their trip! Thank you to all the parents, staff, and stakeholders who have made this first year of robotics at BFIS a success.

- Thunder Kites Coach

DeLFT, NETHERLANDS - Jan 27-29, 2023

A spectacular first showing for the BFIS robotics team at the FIRST Tech Challenge in Delft! Our students travelled to the Netherlands as the only representatives from Spain. They notched two wins and showed great sportsmanship! A big thank you to the Gentlebotz from Breda for mentoring our team, and to BFIS alumnus Miguel for showing us around Delft University of Technology. Congrats!

- Thunder Kites Coach