Thunder Kites Robotics

The Thunder Kites bring together young innovators and dedicated engineers to collaborate and push ourselves even further alongside other enthusiastic and committed youth. Building on last year’s success, we are now seeking partners to help us continue growing. As the first active FTC robotics team in Spain after the pandemic, we are keenly aware of how privileged we are to offer students the chance to explore their interests. We trust that your support will help us take the accessibility of these opportunities to the next level.

OUR Priorities

How to support us


The Thunder Kites are seeking sponsors to support our growth. Sponsorships will provide financial stability and predictability for our team while offering our students the opportunity to develop authentic business skills. See below for more details on how to become a sponsor!


The Thunder Kites are eager to collaborate with community partners who can help us spread the joy and benefits of robotics! We are also looking for ways to give back to the community in other ways. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at thunderkites@bfischool.org if you’re interested in becoming a partner or mentor!


The Thunder Kites are deeply grateful for all donations! Every contribution helps us achieve our goals, as these funds can be directly applied to our priority areas. Please visit the robotics donation page for more information.

Thank you!

Sponsorship Proposal

Please reach out to us at thunderkites@bfischool.org if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. To show gratitude for your support, we offer the following, and more, possibilities:

 Corporate Sponsorship Tiers

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Projected Expenses for 2024-25 Season

   1,000 € Parts and tools

      650 € Annual FTC competition game pieces

      545 € Registration for FTC robotics competitions

   4,000 € Travel costs for FTC competition

   4,000 € Travel costs for FTC competition

      300 € Merchandise

   10,495 € TOTAL

Financial Review for 2023-24 Season

   2,500 € Parts and tools

      650 € Annual FTC competition game pieces

      545 € Registration for FTC robotics competitions

   3,800 € Travel costs for FTC competition in The Hague, NL

   4,200 € Travel costs for FTC competition in Hasselt, BE

   4,150 € Travel costs for FTC competition in Lyon, FR

      300 € Merchandise

   16,145 € TOTAL

Financial Review for 2022-23 Season

    8900 € Parts and tools (inaugural season)

      650 € Annual FTC competition game pieces

      545 € Registration for FTC robotics competitions

   4,150 € Travel costs for FTC competition in Delft, NL

   4,000 € Travel costs for FTC competition in Lyon, FR

      250 € Team merchandise

 18,495 € TOTAL

Thank you for considering our sponsorship proposal. Please contact us at thunderkites@bfischool.org to discuss any questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have. We genuinely believe that with your support, we can make a difference in the lives of our team members and inspire countless other students to pursue their passion for robotics and technology. We look forward to the possibility of working together to make an impact. 

Best regards,

Thunder Kites Robotics

Benjamin Franklin International School